webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Command Central Composite Assets | Setting Build Properties for Command Central Assets
Setting Build Properties for Command Central Assets
Important: When you run the build script, if you specify a build property as an argument in the command line console, the value of the command argument overwrites the value of the property in the build.properties file.
You must set the following properties in the build.properties file in webMethods Asset Build Environment:
Set the property to the directory in which webMethods Asset Build Environment is installed:
It is recommended that you structure the build source directory of the Command Central configuration assets as follows:
| <templates>
| template-alias-1.yaml
| template.yaml
| template.yaml
Each template-alias subdirectory contains the template.yaml file of the configuration asset and any other files required by the configuration properties included in the template.
The following naming conventions apply for the subdirectories and YAML files located directly under the "templates" directory:
*The name of the YAML file is the alias: specified in the YAML file.
*The name of each template-alias subdirectory is the alias: specified in the template YAML file located in the subdirectory.
With this build source directory structure, you can set the build.source.dir property as follows:
*To generate all Command Central assets available in the source directory:
where <templates> is the name of the directory that contains the source template files. Command Central generates a composite asset for each:
*<templates>/<template_alias>.yaml file
*<templates>/<template_alias> subdirectory
*To generate just one of the available Command Central assets:
1. Copy the template file (and any other required files) to a subdirectory directly under <root_path>/<some_ template_dir>:
or copy the template file directly under <root_path>/<some_template_dir>:
2. Set the build source directory property to:
In the following example, the configuration assets are located inside the "templates" build source directory. The name of the "IS-template" subdirectory matches the alias: IS-template in the template.yaml file, located in this subdirectory. The name of the sag-template.yaml file matches the alias: sag-template specified in the file.
| templates
| sag-template.yaml
| template.yaml
When build.source.dir=<root_path>/templates/, the composite assets generated after running the build script are:
| <build.output.dir>
| IS-template.acdl
| IS-template.zip
| sag-template.acdl
| sag-template.zip
Set the property to:
The build script creates a subdirectory with name CC under <root_path>/build and places the Command Central composite assets from the output in that subdirectory.
Set the property to true.

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