webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Command Central Composite Assets | Adding Assets to the Build Source Directory
Adding Assets to the Build Source Directory
You create Command Central configuration assets using the Command Central command: sagcc exec templates composite generate -i <generate-template-metadata-file>.xml.
To export the assets to the source directory that you intend to use for the asset build, use the command: sagcc get templates composite export <templateAlias> -o <template-file>.yaml -f application/yaml.
For details about the Command Central CLI commands, see the Software AG Command Central Help.
When deploying assets to webMethods Integration Cloud, you can generate and export Command Central configuration assets in Software AG Designer. For information about deploying Command Central assets to webMethods Integration Cloud, see the webMethods Service Development Help and the Deploying to webMethods Integration Cloud document.

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