webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying to Clustered Integration Servers | Setting Up Connections to Integration Servers in the Cluster
Setting Up Connections to Integration Servers in the Cluster
* To set up connections to the Integration Servers in the cluster
1. Make sure all Integration Servers in the cluster are up and running.
2. In the Integration Server Administrator for the Integration Server that hosts Deployer, define every Integration Server in the Integration Server cluster as a remote server. For more information about remote servers, and instructions on defining them, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Note: All remote servers should have the same port number as the remote alias of the primary port of the cluster.
3. In Deployer, install the WmDeployerResource package on each Integration Server in the Integration Server cluster as follows:
a. Go to the Servers > IS & TN page; the page lists all Integration Servers you defined as remote servers.
b. In the Install column, select the check box next to each Integration Server.
c. Click Install.

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