webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying to Clustered Integration Servers | Overview
Deployer can deploy assets to clustered Integration Servers and to Trading Networks and process models running on Integration Servers. Keep the following points in mind when deploying to clustered Integration Servers:
*Before you can deploy to a cluster, you must define the connections to the Integration Servers in the cluster as remote servers and identify the Integration Servers as part of a target group in Deployer. You can then map and deploy to the target group as you would to any other target group. Since Trading Networks and process models run on clustered Integration Servers, to deploy Trading Networks assets and process models to a cluster, you must set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes the servers in the cluster in the same way.
*Before deploying Trading Networks assets to Trading Networks running on clustered Integration Servers, make sure the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases property is set for each Trading Networks server in the cluster. For instructions, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
*To deploy process models to Process Engines running on clustered Integration Servers, you must configure each Integration Server hosting a process model in a cluster to use the same alias name and port number as the remote alias defined for the cluster.

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