webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize Deployment Sets | Adding Assets to a Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize Deployment Set
Adding Assets to a Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize Deployment Set
Perform the following task to add assets to webMethods Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize deployment sets.
* To add assets to a webMethods Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize deployment set
1. In the Deployment Sets area, under the deployment set to which to add assets, click the Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize folder. In the right-hand pane, Deployer lists the source servers of the type you selected.
2. In the right-hand pane, open the tree to show the assets on the source servers, then select the check box next to each asset to add to the deployment set. Keep in mind the following:
The process models displayed are those that were "Built for execution" on the Integration Server.
The My webMethods Server folder is listed twice within its directory, as a container preceded by and as an asset preceded by . If you want to add a folder with all the assets it contains to the deployment set, select the folder where it appears next to the square icon. If you want to add individual assets in the folder without adding the folder itself, open the folder where it appears as a container and click the assets to add.
3. Click Save. Deployer shows the selected assets in the left-hand pane under the Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, Optimize, or Business Rules folder for the deployment set.

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