webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize Deployment Sets | About ProcessModel Deployment Sets
About ProcessModel Deployment Sets
When deploying Designer process models with Deployer in a runtime-based project, Deployer copies the generation receipt from the source environment to the target environment. Because the logical-to-physical server mapping might contain old data, the regeneration process connects to the previous logical server and cleans up the process-related assets there (for example, deleting associated triggers and services), in addition to creating the new assets on the new logical server. With no generation receipt, this mapping information is not available and the clean-up procedure cannot occur.
Note: If you deploy multiple versions of the same process model in a single deployment set and configure the deployment set to enable both processes on the target, the version that is deployed to the target last is the one that is enabled. Use webMethods Monitor to ensure that the proper version is enabled in the target environment.

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