webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Manually Adding Dependencies to a Package Component in an IS & TN Deployment Set
Manually Adding Dependencies to a Package Component in an IS & TN Deployment Set
Deployer cannot always detect all dependencies. If you are aware that an asset in an IS & TN deployment set has a dependency on a package component, and Deployer has not detected this dependency, you can manually add that dependency.
Deployer will check for the referenced asset when you map the project to target Integration Servers, as it does when you use the Exists option to resolve an unresolved dependency. If Deployer does not find the asset, an icon alerts you during the mapping task. If you do not resolve the dependency at that time, Deployer will write a message about it to the simulation report and, if you do not resolve it at that time, to the deployment report.
* To manually add a dependency on a package component
1. Go to the Resolved Dependencies page as explained in the previous section.
2. Under the Manually Add Dependency area, in the Referenced Package box, type the name of the package that contains the referenced component.
3. In the Referenced Component box, type the name of the referenced component.
4. Click Add.
You can remove a dependency you added manually. To do so, return to the Projects > project >Define page, open the folder that contains the asset, navigate to the asset in the tree in the right-hand pane, cancel the selection of the asset by clearing the appropriate check box, and save the deployment set.

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