webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Resolving Conflicts
Resolving Conflicts
A conflict occurs when a dependent asset is available in multiple composites or when different assets in one composite share the same asset name. Deployer displays conflicts on the same page as unresolved assets.
* To resolve conflicts
1. In the Unresolved Dependencies column for the deployment set, click Check.
Deployer shows all conflicted assets on the Unresolved Dependencies page as follows:
*The Referenced Conflict Asset Composites column lists the assets in conflict.
*The Unset/Add/Ignore column offers the possible ways you can resolve the conflict.
*The Assets column shows the dependent assets.
2. Click one of the following options to set how Deployer should resolve each conflict.
This is the default status. If you click Unset after you have made another selection (Add or Ignore) Deployer resets the assets to an conflicted status. Use this option if you set the assets in a composite to either Add or Ignore and want to start over.
Note: After you use Unset to clear your previous selection, you must set the asset to either Add or Ignore.
Adds the referenced assets to the deployment set. Use this option to deploy the referenced assets.
Ignores the conflict. Use this option to ignore the referenced assets.
3. Click Save.
*Deployer moves dependencies for which conflicts were resolved using the Add option to the Name column of the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, in the left-hand pane.
*Deployer ignores the conflicts for those assets which you set to Ignore.

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