webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Selecting Individual Assets from Composites
Selecting Individual Assets from Composites
For Integration Server, CloudStreams, Trading Networks, and Broker (including JNDI) assets, you can choose to add individual assets from composites rather than the entire composite. Adding only some of the assets to the deployment set instead of the entire composite is referred to as partial deployment.
Note: For the partial deployment of JNDI assets, export JMS destinations into one JNDI context at a time. Partial deployment of JMS destinations into multiple JNDI contexts is not supported.
Perform the following to select individual assets from composites.
* To select individual assets for a deployment set
1. In the Deployment Sets area of the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, click for every repository for which you want to add assets.
In the right-hand pane, Deployer displays the icon for runtime types contained in the repository you selected.
2. Click the plus sign to expand the runtime types to display the composites they contain.
Deployer displays the icon for composites.
3. Click the name of the composite from which you want to select individual assets.
Deployer displays the composite in the Select Components area of the right hand pane.
4. Click the plus sign to expand the composite to reveal the assets it contains.
5. Click the assets that should be included in the deployment set.
6. Click Save.
Deployer displays the icon for a partial composite with the assets you selected as its children in the Name column of the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, in the left-hand pane.

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