webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Selecting Composites
Selecting Composites
Perform the following to select entire composites from the repository.
* To select composites for a deployment set
1. In the Deployment Sets area of the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, click for every repository for which you want to add assets.
In the right-hand pane, Deployer displays the icon for runtime types contained in the repository you selected.
2. Click the plus sign to expand the runtime types to display the composites they contain.
Deployer displays the icon for composites.
3. Click every composite whose assets should be part of the deployment set.
To select all of the composites for the runtime type, click . To select all of the composites available on the repository, click .
4. Click Save.
Deployer adds the runtime type and the child composites as children of the deployment set in the Name column of the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, in the left-hand pane.

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