webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Overview
In repository-based deployment, you can add only those assets from composites that are present in the repository. The repository can contain several composites, and you can deploy assets from any composite in the repository, but you cannot add assets from more than one repository to one deployment set. Assets in one composite in the repository can have dependencies on one or more assets in other composites in the repository.
If you are adding assets for Integration Server, Trading Networks, or Broker, you have the option of adding individual assets from a composite to your deployment set, instead adding the entire composite.
Before you can add assets for repository-based deployment, you must perform the following:
1. Build the composites and add a source repository. For more information, see Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment.
2. Configure a source repository. For more information, see Connecting to a Repository for Repository-Based Deployment.
3. Connect to target servers, target groups, or both. For more information, see Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers.
4. Define a deployment set. For more information, see Defining a Deployment Set.

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