webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing BPM Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Differences Between Manual Process Generation and Deployed Processes | About the Deployment of Generation Receipts
About the Deployment of Generation Receipts
Deployer does not deploy generation receipts when deploying Designer process models. The primary reason for this is that the generation receipt stores a logical-to-physical server mapping and the only information available to Deployer is in the composite file, which does not contain any mapping information.
When you regenerate a process, the regeneration process uses the mapping information to determine whether a logical server mapping has changed from the previous generation. If the mapping has changed, the regeneration process connects to the previous logical server and cleans up the process-related assets there (for example, deleting associated triggers and services), in addition to creating the new assets on the new logical server. With no generation receipt, this mapping information is not available and the clean-up procedure cannot occur.
Note: If a user connects Designer to a target environment and regenerates a deployed process to servers other than those deployed to the original process, the wrapper services and triggers on the original servers are not deleted. Wrapper services and triggers are still generated on the new logical servers, and existing services and triggers on unchanged logical servers remain unchanged. You must perform a manual cleanup on old logical servers. If you do not, multiple triggers and services could run in the process.
If you regenerate a previously deployed process to the same logical servers, Designer creates a new generation receipt so that future regeneration processes are handled correctly.

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