webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | My webMethods Server Assets
My webMethods Server Assets
This section lists the My webMethods Server (including Task Engine) asset types and their dependencies.
The following table lists the dependencies and properties that you can substitute when using Deployer to deploy assets to a My webMethods Server.
Asset Type ID
Dependencies, Substitution Values, and Other Considerations
Access privilege
The rights of a user, group, or role to view applications and features in the Navigation panel and to access pages associated with them. See Functional privileges.
Dependencies: The user, group, or role specified by the access privilege.
Business calendar
A global calendar used in My webMethods Server (for example, a US holidays calendar).
CAF application
A Composite Application Framework application.
Substitution variables: Any env-properties or configuration properties from the application’s web.xml file (for example, properties dynamically added when you create a web connector for your portlet).
CAF runtime configuration
The runtime configuration for a Composite Application Framework application, as modified in the CAF Runtime Administration page.
Substitution variables: Any env-properties or configuration properties from the application’s web.xml file (for example, properties dynamically added when you create a web connector for your portlet).
A digital certificate associated with an My webMethods Server user.
A legacy portlet or Dynamic Business Object (DBO).
Dependencies: Any portlets or DBOs referenced by the xmlImport.xml file of the Component.
Data source
An external data source configuration (for example, a connection to an external Oracle database).
Substitution variables: The user name, password, and URL for the data source.
Directory service
Configuration of LDAP or Database directory service from My webMethods Server.
*LDAP directory service - None
*Database directory service - Data Source
Substitution variables: The user name, password, and LDAP URL for the LDAP directory service only. There are no substitution variables for the database directory service.
Functional privilege
The rights of a user, group, or role to make changes within an application or feature, such as to create and modify a workspace. You can export all of the functional privileges associated with a specific user, group, or role. See Access Privileges.
Dependencies: Users, groups, or roles to which functional privileges are granted.
A collection of users and other groups. Groups are defined and stored in an internal system or external directory service.
Dependencies: The external directory service where the groups are defined. Only groups from internal "System" directory service can be deployed. Groups from LDAP and Database directory come implicitly from the directory itself.
Locale rule
A rule configuration that defines the locale (language and country code) to use when locale information is not specified in the user profile.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic.
Login page rule
A login page rule configuration that defines the login page to be used.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic of the login page that is the target of the rule.
The layout and content of a folder or page.
Dependencies: The users, groups, and roles referenced in the folder access control. In addition, folders and pages have a dependency on the portlets and Composite Application Framework applications included in the page.
A portlet is a mini-application or a piece of functionality that can be part of a Composite Application Framework application or can reside independently on a page on the server.
Rendering rule
The user interface formatting capabilities assigned to specific server objects by defining rendering rules. Renderer rules determine the specific renderer to use.
A collection of users assigned to a specific role defined for any directory service.
Dependencies: Users, groups, or roles contained within the role.
Saved search
A saved query associated with a particular search page within My webMethods Server (for example, Task List Management or My Inbox). A Saved Search asset includes all saved searches for a particular search page (not individual searches).
Security realm
A way to apply an access control list to a list of objects. You can organize Security Realms into containers.
Dependencies: Users, groups, or roles, and the pages and folders controlled by the security realm.
An installable component used to display the header, footer, and title bars for pages.
Dependencies: Any custom portlets referenced by the shell section pages.
Shell rule
A rule configuration that determines what shell should be displayed for each page.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic of the shell that is the target of the shell rule.
An installable component that defines the look and feel of the rendered page. A skin modifies the images, fonts, colors, and other subtle style aspects of HTML content, without functionally modifying the HTML content.
Skin rule
A rule configuration that determines what skin should be displayed.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic of the skin that is the target of the skin rule.
Start page rule
A rule that determines which page is displayed after a user logs into the server.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic of the page or folder that is the target of the rule.
Represents human activity for a BPM ProcessModel. Tasks are composed of Task Rules and portlets that implement UIs of the task.
*Task Rule
*Business Rules (for assignments)
Task rule
A rule within a task type to specify task assignments and behaviors.
Dependencies: Any users, groups, or roles referenced by the rule logic.
An individual listed in the internal “system” directory service and all profile and preference attributes.

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