webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Business Rules Assets
Business Rules Assets
The following table describes the user-created assets that you can include when using webMethods Business Rules in deployment projects.
Note: You can deploy business rules assets in repository-based deployment only.
The following table lists:
*The assets that you can export
*The asset type ID for each asset
*Asset dependencies
Asset Type ID
Actions have dependencies based on the type of action as follows:
For this type of action...
The dependency is...
Integration Server service
BPM process
New Data
Business rules data model
Data model
Optionally dependent on a nested data model.
Decision table
Always depends on at least one data model.
Optionally dependent on one or more action.
Event rule
Always dependent on at least one data model.
Optionally dependent on one or more action.
Rule sets
Always dependent on one of the following:
*Decision table
*Event rule
Rule project
When you deploy on My webMethods Server, hot deploy the rule project to pre-configured Integration Server connection(s). Valid values are true and false. By default, the value is false.
When you deploy on My webMethods Server, merge the rule project with the existing rule project that has the same name in the repository. Valid values are true and false. By default, the value is false
For more information, see Working with Business Rules in My webMethods.

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