webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | API Gateway Assets
API Gateway Assets
This section identifies the API Gateway assets that you can deploy using Deployer.
Note: You can deploy API Gateway assets in repository-based deployment only.
The API Gateway assets are as follows:
*Policy actions
*Administrator Settings
The following API Gateway assets cannot be staged:
*Approval Configurations
*Access Profiles
The following API Gateway assets cannot be staged using API Gateway. You need to stage them as Integration Server assets only.
*Outbound Proxy
*URL Aliases
Note: When using API Gateway Assets, note the following points:
*APIs/Global Policies/Packages will be maintained in the same state in the target servers as they were when built using Asset Build Environment.
*If the same API exists in Active state, it cannot be redeployed using webMethods Deployer.
*Administrator Settings and Assertions cannot be deleted using the deletion sets from WmDeployer.
*While deploying partial composites, the hard dependencies that are required, that is, Policy actions for Policies are added automatically. You now cannot override this behavior.

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