webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | AgileApps Assets
AgileApps Assets
This section identifies the AgileApps Cloud assets that you can export as a package from AgileApps Cloud, and deploy using Deployer. The assets that AgileApps Cloud supports for exporting belong to the following asset types:
Note: You can deploy AgileApps Cloud assets in repository-based deployment only.
Note: Deployer version 9.12 supports deployment of assets to AgileApps Cloud Servers version 10.7 or later.
*Mapping Profile
*Package Data Item
*Team Data Sharing
*Translation Workbench
*Web Tab
*Web and REST Services
Assets of the following asset types can be exported only as dependent assets of the above asset types. They cannot be exported as standalone asset types:
*Widgets Page
*Mapping Profile
*Business Hours Calendar
Note: When an AgileApps Cloud asset has a dependency on other assets, exporting that asset will also export the corresponding dependent assets. For example, when you export an Application asset, the dependent assets like Tasks, Agent, and so on are also exported.

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