Deployer 10.11 | Mapping a Deployment Project to Target Servers | Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups
Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups
You can map a project to individual target servers, target groups, or both.
*To map a project to target servers
1. In Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects page.
2. If locking is enabled, in the Lock Status column for the project, click to lock the project.
3. In the Name column, click the project.
4. In the right-hand pane, click  Map. Deployer displays the Projects > project > Map page and lists all maps that exist for the selected project.
5. In the left-hand pane, click Create Deployment Map.
6. In the Name box, accept the default deployment map name or replace it with a name that you choose. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following illegal characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
7. In the Description box, type a description for the map. The description length has no limit and can include any characters.
8. Click Create.
9. Under the Deployment Map Topology area, in the Set Mapping column for a deployment set, click Add Target Server or Add Target Group. Based on the type of project you want to deploy, do one of the following:
*For runtime-based projects, select the check box next to each target server or group to which to deploy the assets in the deployment set and then click Add.
Deployer lists only those target servers or groups whose version is compatible with the source servers in the deployment set.
*For repository-based projects:
1. In the Select Server list, click the runtime type of the target server.
2. Select the check box next to each target server or group to which to deploy the assets in the deployment set and then click Add.
Repository-based deployment does not support mapping to target servers of versions that are different than the source repository. If you are mapping a repository-based project that contains BPM ProcessModels, you must also select the physical Integration Server servers or My webMethods Servers for each logical server in the deployment set from the Map Logical Servers area of the Add Targets pane.
If a server you want to map to does not appear in the list, you have not yet set it up to work with Deployer. After you connect Deployer to the target server you require, click Refresh this Page to update the list of servers on this page.
When you deploy Trading Networks assets, Deployer updates the Trading Networks database with the deployed assets. If Trading Networks is installed on multiple Integration Servers, map deployment sets that contain Trading Networks assets to only one of the Integration Servers. Do not map to multiple Integration Servers or you will experience unpredictable results when you deploy.