Deployer 10.11 | Deploying a Project | Generating a Checkpoint
Generating a Checkpoint
You generate a checkpoint for a project when you want the option of rolling back the target server to the state it was in prior to deploying your project. The checkpoint contains a copy of the assets on the target server that will be replaced by the assets in the deployment sets. You can set Deployer to generate checkpoints automatically or you can generate checkpoints manually for both runtime-based and repository-based projects.
Keep the following points in mind when working with checkpoints:
*If you take multiple checkpoints for a deployment candidate, only the latest is retained.
*The target servers must be available for the checkpoint generation to be successful.
When Deployer generates checkpoints automatically, it does so as the first step of the deployment process when you deploy a project. You set Deployer to create automatic checkpoints as part of creating the project. For runtime-based projects, you set the project to generate checkpoints automatically through the Checkpoint Creation parameter. For more information, see Settings for Runtime-Based Deployment Projects. For repository-based projects, Deployer generates automatic checkpoints when you enable transactional deployment through the Enable Transactional Deployment parameter. For more information, see Creating a Project.
You can generate a checkpoint manually for both runtime-based and repository-based projects.
*To generate a checkpoint manually
1. In the Deployment Candidates list, click in the Checkpoint column. The checkpoint report appears in the right-hand pane in the Deployment History area.
2. Click next to Checkpoint in the Report Type column to display the report. In the checkpoint report, the term EXTRACT is used for assets that exist on the target system and have been extracted to a backup. The term MISSING is used for assets that do not exist on the target system and will be deleted during a roll back.
The report is also available under the name CheckpointReport_reportID.xml in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\pub\projects\project_name\checkpoints\deployment_map\project_nameCheckpoint\reports folder, where project_name is the name of the project and deployment_map is the name of the deployment map.