Deployer 10.11 | Using Deployer Commands | Specifying Logon Parameters
Specifying Logon Parameters
Creating a Configuration File for Logon Parameters
All Deployer commands require parameters for logging into Integration Server that hosts Deployer. You can have Deployer commands connect to Integration Server using HTTP or HTTPS.
If you want Deployer commands to log on using HTTP, you can use an existing HTTP port on Integration Server or configure a new one.
If you want Deployer commands to log on using HTTPS, do the following:
*Use an existing HTTPS port on Integration Server or configure a new one.
*Place the command line interface's client certificate, private key, and signing authority's certificate on the Integration Server host machine.
*Map the command line interface's client certificate to an Integration Server user that has Administrator or Developer privileges.
For instructions for these tasks, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
When you run Deployer commands, the logon parameters you provide depend on whether you want to use HTTP or HTTPS.
*Logon parameters for logging into an HTTP port
Deployer.{sh|bat} --command -host host -port port-user user-pwd password     
*Logon parameters for logging into an HTTPS port
Deployer.{sh|bat} --command -host host -port port-user user-pwd password
-useSSL -senderCert path_to_cert-privKey path_to_key-caCert path_to_cert     
Ensure that the certificates are in DER format; if not, convert them to DER format using a certificate management tool, such as Java keytool. See the Prerequisites to Configuring a Port for SSL section in the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for more information on the type of certificate format supported.
The following table shows the parameters required when you log into an HTTPS port with respect to different options in the Security Configuration section in Integration Server Administrator. (Integration Server Administrator > Ports > Add Port > Select Type of Port to Configure as webMethods/HTTPS > Security Configuration > Client authentication section.
If you select the Client Authentication option as...
Provide the following parameters...
Mandatory parameters
*Username (-user)
*password (-pwd)
Optional parameters
Request Client Certificates
Mandatory parameters
*Username (-user)
*password (-pwd)
or provide
Mandatory parameters
Optional parameters
Require Client Certificates
Mandatory parameters
Optional parameters
If you select Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) in the Security Configuration section in Integration Server Administrator (Integration Server Administrator > Ports > Add Port > Select Type of Port to Configure as webMethods/HTTPS > Security Configuration > Use JSSE > Select Yes), the logon parameters for logging into an HTTPS port are as follows:
Deployer.{sh|bat} --command -host host -port port-user user-pwd password
-useSSL -senderCert path_to_cert-privKey path_to_key-caCert path_to_cert -useJSSE
Ensure that the certificates are in DER format; if not, convert them to DER format using a certificate management tool, such as Java keytool. See the Prerequisites to Configuring a Port for SSL section in the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for more information on the type of certificate format supported.
-host host -port port
Integration Server logs on to this host machine and port.
-user user-pwd password
User name and password to use to log on to Integration Server.
If you do not provide a password, Deployer prompts you for the password.
Log on to an HTTPS port.
-senderCert path_to_cert
Command line interface's client certificate.
-privKey path_to_key
Command line interface's private key.
-caCert path_to_cert
Command line interface's signing authority's certificate. If the certificates and private key do not exactly match the ones in the Integration Server installation for the command line interface, the command will fail.
Log on to an HTTPS port with Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) enabled.
If an HTTPS port makes use of JSSE, then pass useJSSE along with the useSSL option.