Deployer 10.11 | Product Build Properties and Supported Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Integration Server | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Dashboard Configuration
Dashboard Configuration
Asset Type ID
Substitution values
Statistics Data Collector Enabled enabled
Whether or not the Statistics Data Collector is enabled.
Max Results maxResults
Maximum number of results permitted by the Statistics Data Collector.
Lucene Memory Size luceneMemorySize
Number of megabytes of memory in the JVM to dedicate to the Statistics Data Collector.
Indexer Thread Count indexerThreadCount
Number of resources that may be indexed concurrently.
Max JDBC Pool Connections maxJdbcPoolConnections
Number of concurrent JDBC connections from the JDBC pool used by the ISInternal function that can be used by the Statistics Data Collector.
Searcher Thread Count searcherThreadCount
Number of search requests that can execute concurrently.
Retention Days retentionDays
Maximum number of days to retain data in the database used by the Statistics Data Collector.