Deployer 10.11 | Product Build Properties and Supported Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Integration Server | CloudStreams Assets
CloudStreams Assets
CloudStreams Asset Dependencies
The following table lists the CloudStreams assets:
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
CloudStreams Connector Services
Connector Virtual Service (virtualServiceName).
The connector virtual service to be used for policy enforcement.
Connection Pool (connectionAlias).
The connection pool used by the cloud connector service.
CloudStreams Connection
Connection Enabled (connectionEnabled).
Status of the connection, post deployment.
*true - Enabled status.
*false - Disabled status.
Server URL (cn.providerUrl).
The native provider endpoint target for the connection configuration.
Connection Timeout (cn.connectTimeout).
The number of milliseconds a connection attempt will wait before giving up. (0 will wait indefinitely).
Socket Read Timeout (cn.readTimeout).
The number of milliseconds in which the client must read a response message from the server. (0 will wait indefinitely).
Use Stale Checking (cn.socketStaleCheck).
If true, the connection factory performs additional processing to test if the socket is still functional each time the socket is used.
*true - Enable test for functional socket.
*false - Disable test for functional socket.
Validate After Inactivity (cn.validateAfterInactivity).
This is used to control the period of inactivity in milliseconds after which persistent connections must be revalidated prior to being leased to the consumer. Applicable if "Use Stale Checking" is true. To turn off connection validation, set this field to a non positive value.
Connection Retry Count (cn.retryCount).
Number of times the connection factory should attempt to execute a failed invocation.
Retry on Response Failure (cn.retryIfRequestSentOk).
If true, the retry mechanism will be used for failed responses even if the request was sent successfully.
*true - Enable retries.
*false - Disable retries.
Use TCP NoDelay (cn.tcpNoDelay).
If true, do not use Nagles algorithm as a socket optimization technique.
*true - Skip socket optimization using Nagles algorithm.
*false - Use Nagles algorithm for socket optimization.
Socket Linger (cn.socketLinger).
This setting determines how quickly a socket should close.
Socket Buffer Size (cn.sockBuffSize).
The size of the read and write socket buffers in bytes.
Socket Reuse Address (cn.reuseAddr).
If true, the socket will be reused even if it is in TIME_WAIT due to a previous socket closure.
*true - Enable socket reuse.
*false - Disable socket reuse.
Socket Buffer Size (cn.sockBuffSize).
The size of the read and write socket buffers in bytes.
Proxy Server Alias (cn.webproxyAlias).
The alias to a web proxy server configuration in Integration Server.
Trust store Alias (cn.truststoreAlias).
Alias for the Integration Server trust store configuration.
Hostname verifier (cn.hostnameVerifier).
Fully qualified class name of the implementation. Guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.
The options are:
The default selection is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier, which will enable hostname verification. Select org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier to disable hostname verification.
Keep Alive Interval (cn.keepAliveInterval).
The keep alive interval in milliseconds defines the interval for which a connection will be kept alive, if the back end does not respond with a Keep-Alive header. A value > 0 keeps the connection alive for the specified value. The default value of -1 implies that the connection will be kept alive until a request fails due to a connection error.
Idle Timeout (cn.idleTimeout).
An idle timeout value > 0 defines the time period in milliseconds after which idle or inactive connections will be closed. The default value of -1 implies that idle connections will not be closed.
Enable Compression (cn.enableCompression).
Whether to compress the request using the gzip compression technique.
*true - Request will be compressed using the gzip compression technique.
*false - Request will not be compressed.
Username (cr.username).
The username credentials for the current connection configuration. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
Password (cr.password).
The password credentials for the current connection configuration. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
Authorization Type (cr.authSchemeType).
The string identifying the authentication protocol scheme to use for the connection configuration. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
*basic - HTTP Basic authentication.
*none - No authentication scheme.
Preemptive Auth (cr.preemptiveAuthEnabled).
If true, basic auth credentials will be included when a request is sent and it will not wait for a 401 response challenge. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
*true - Include Basic authentication credentials with the request.
*false - Exclude Basic authentication credentials with the request.
Domain Name (cr.securityRealm).
The domain/security realm for the current connection configuration. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
Keystore Alias (cr.securityRealm).
Alias for the Integration Server key store configuration. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
Client key Alias (cr.clientKeyAlias).
Alias to reference a key inside a key store file. This is available only if the Credentials connection group is configured at source.
HTTP Content Character Set (pr.httpContentCharSet).
The encoding to use for the request message. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
HTTP Protocol Version (pr.protocolVersion).
The HTTP version, for example, HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, or HTTP/1.1.This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
User Agent (pr.userAgent).
The value the connection configuration will send for the ''User-Agent'' request header. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
Use Expect Continue (pr.useExpectCont).
If true, use the Expect/Continue HTTP/1.1 handshake and send the ''Expect'' request header. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
*true - Use the Expect/Continue handshake and the Expect header.
*false - Do not use the Expect/Continue handshake and the Expect header.
Use Chunking (pr.useChunking).
If true, use HTTP/1.1 chunking using a chunk size that matches the socket buffer size. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
*true - Enable chunking.
*false - Disable chunking.
Follow Server Redirects (pr.followServerRedirects).
If true, follow server redirects. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
*true - Enable server redirects.
*false - Disable server redirects.
Server Redirect Maximum Tries (pr.serverRedirectMax).
Maximum number of times to follow a server redirect. This is available only if the Protocol connection group is configured at source.
Request Header Names (rh.requestHeaderNames).
An array of request header names to include for this connection configuration. This is available only if the Request Headers connection group is configured at source.
Request Header Values (rh.requestHeaderValues).
An array of request header values to include for this connection configuration. This is available only if the Request Headers connection group is configured at source.
Consumer ID (oauth.consumerId).
OAuth V1.0a consumer key or OAuth V2.0 client id. This is available only if the OAuth V1.0a or the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Consumer Secret (oauth.consumerSecret).
OAuth V1.0a consumer secret or OAuth V2.0 client secret. This is available only if the OAuth V1.0a or the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Access Token (oauth.accessToken).
OAuth V1.0a request token or OAuth V2.0 access token. This is available only if the OAuth V1.0a or the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Access Token Secret (oauth_v10a.accessTokenSecret).
OAuth V1.0a request token secret. This is available only if the OAuth V1.0a connection group is configured at source.
Instance URL (oauth_v20.instanceURL).
OAuth V2.0 instance URL. This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Refresh Access Token (oauth_v20.refreshAccessToken).
Option to refresh the OAuth V2.0 access token. This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
*true - Enable access token refresh.
*false - Disable access token refresh.
Refresh Token (oauth_v20.refreshToken).
OAuth V2.0 refresh token This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Refresh URL (oauth_v20.accessTokenRefreshURL).
URL for the OAuth V2.0 token refresh request. This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Refresh URL Request (oauth_v20.accessTokenRefreshURLRequest).
Option for sending the parameters within the OAuth V2.0 token refresh HTTP POST request, either as query parameters, or as body parameters, or as determined by a custom ESB service. This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
*URL Query String - Refresh the parameters as query parameters.
*Body Query String - Refresh the parameters as body parameters.
*Custom ESB Service - Refresh the parameters as formatted by custom ESB service.
Refresh Custom ESB Service (oauth_v20.accessTokenRefreshCustomESBService).
Custom ESB service name, when the option selected for sending the OAuth V2.0 token refresh parameters is "Custom ESB Service".This is available only if the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
Authorization Header Prefix (oauth_v20.authorizationHeaderPrefix).
OAuth V1.0a or OAuth V2.0 authorization header prefix. This is available only if the OAuth V1.0a or the OAuth V2.0 connection group is configured at source.
*Bearer - "Bearer" is used as the prefix.
*OAuth - "OAuth" is used as the prefix.
OAuth Config Alias (oa.alias_key).
The alias to a configured OAuth token. This is available only if the OAuth Alias connection group is configured at source.
Access Key (aws.accessKey).
20 character string representing an AWS user id. This is created at the Amazon web site. This is available only if the AWS V2 Signature, the AWS V4 Signature, or the AWS S3 Signature connection group is configured at source.
Secret Key (aws.secretKey).
40 character private key. This is created at the Amazon web site when the Access Key is created. This is available only if the AWS V2 Signature, the AWS V4 Signature, or the AWS S3 Signature connection group is configured at source.
Region (aws.region).
A specific geographic region. Some AWS services use this to route requests to local servers to reduce the network latency. This is available only if the AWS V2 Signature, the AWS V4 Signature, or the AWS S3 Signature connection group is configured at source.
Signing Algorithm (aws.signingAlgorithm).
Mnemonic for cryptographic algorithm used to produce the signature, for example, HmacSHA1 and HmacSHA256). This is available only if the AWS V2 Signature, the AWS V4 Signature, or the AWS S3 Signature connection group is configured at source.
*HmacSHA256 - Supported algorithm for AWS V2 and AWS V4 Signature.
*HmacSHA1 - Supported algorithm for AWS V2 and AWS S3 Signature.
Additionally, any fields configured as part of the Custom connection group that are not marked as hidden, will be available for variable substitution.
CloudStreams Streaming Listener Service
connectionAlias - Connection used to create the Listener.
enabled - Listener State, whether it is enabled or not.
name - Namespace of the service which is added as a Service Invocation action under the Event tab in Service Development.
runAsUser - The user, using which the service mentioned in above property needs to be executed.
level - The logging level for the Log Invocation action.
Connection Group Properties:
Streaming Endpoint - The native provider endpoint target for the connection configuration. (hp.endpoint)
Backoff Increment - The number of milliseconds that the backoff time increments every time a connection with the Bayeux server fails. CometD attempts to reconnect after the backoff time elapses. (bu.backoffIncrement)
Max Backoff - The maximum number of milliseconds of the backoff time after which the backoff time is not incremented further. (bu.maxBackoff)
Max Message Size - The maximum number of bytes of an HTTP response, which may contain many Bayeux messages. (bu.maxMessageSize)