Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Integration Server Administrator’s Guide | Starting and Stopping the Server | The Java Service Wrapper | The Wrapper Log | Logging Properties
Logging Properties
The wrapper.console and wrapper.log properties in the wrapper configuration files determine the content, format, and behavior of the wrapper log.
The logging settings that Integration Server installs are suitable for most environments. However, you can modify the following properties if the installed settings do not suit your needs. For procedures and additional information, see the webMethods cross-product document, Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
The format of the messages displayed in the console.
The level of detail displayed in the console.
The file into which console output for Integration Server is logged.
The format of the messages recorded in the wrapper log file.
The level of detail recorded in the wrapper log file. This setting must be a level that is equal to or lower than the setting in wrapper.console.loglevel.
The maximum size to which the log can grow.
The number of old logs the Java Service Wrapper retains.
Which messages are written to the Event Log on Windows systems, or the syslog on UNIX systems.