Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Integration Server Administrator’s Guide | Controlling Access to Resources | Controlling Access to Resources with ACLs | Deleting ACLs
Deleting ACLs
You can delete any ACL except the predefined ACLs: Anonymous, Administrators, Default, Developers, Internal, and Replicators. You can delete ACLs that are currently assigned to packages, folder, or other elements. When a client attempts to access an element that is assigned to a deleted ACL, the server denies access.
When you delete an ACL that is assigned to a package, folder, service or other element, the Integration Server retains the deleted ACL's name. As a result, when you view the element's information, the server displays the name of the deleted ACL in the associated ACL field; however the server treats the ACL as an empty ACL and allows access to no one.
For information about how to assign a different ACL to a package, folder, service, or other element, see Assigning ACLs to Folders, Services, and Other Elements.
For information about how to assign a different ACL to file, that is, a DSP or .htm file that the server serves, update the associated .access file to assign a different ACL to the file. For more information about assigning ACLs to files, see Assigning ACLs to Files the Server Can Serve.
*To delete an ACL
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Security > ACLs.
3. Click Add and Remove ACLs.
4. In the Remove ACLs area of the page, select the ACL or ACLs you want to remove.
5. Click Remove ACLs. The server issues a prompt to verify that you want to delete the ACL.
6. Click OK to delete the ACL.