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How Do I Set Up the Data Center in Warm Standby Mode?
This use case explains how to set up the data center in warm standby mode.
The use case starts when you set up the data center in warm standby mode and ends when you successfully replace the primary data center.
For example, assume that you have two data centers DC 1 and DC 2 in the following landscape:
Data Center Name
Host Name
DC 1
United Kingdom
DC 2
United States
Here, the DC 1 is in active mode and DC 2 is passive. You want to bring up DC 2, when DC 1 goes down. Assume that DC 2 is in warm standby mode, the data store is up and running in DC 2, hence the data is already present in DC 2. As API Gateway is already installed on DC 2, you just have to start API Gateway on DC 2. The downtime for this mode would be the time when you start the API Gateway in DC 2 soon after DC 1 failure.
*To set up the data center in warm standby mode
1. Run the backup command in DC 1.
You can schedule the backup frequency based on your RPO. For example, you can use crontab command scheduler to back up the data for every 15 minutes using this command:
*/15 * * * * /APIM/SAG/
For more information about backup and restore, see API Gateway Database Backup and Restore (Disaster Recovery).
You can have different backup scheduled at different frequency for core asset data and analytics data.
2. Run the following command in DC 2 to restore the data: restore backup -name backup_file_name
3. Start the API Gateway instance in DC 2, once DC 1 goes down.
4. Reconfigure the load balancer by exposing DC 2 to the client.