Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | API Gateway Configuration Guide | API Gateway Data Store | Administering API Gateway Data Store | Changing the API Gateway Data Store HTTP Port
Changing the API Gateway Data Store HTTP Port
Changing the API Gateway Data Store HTTP Port using Template
The default HTTP port that clients use to make calls to API Gateway Data Store is 9240. Use the following procedure to change the HTTP port number.
You cannot add a new port from this section. You can only edit existing port details.
*To change the API Gateway Data Store HTTP port
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > API Gateway Data Store > Configuration.
2. Select Ports from the drop-down menu.
3. Click http port and specify the HTTP port number in the Port Number field.
4. Optionally, click Test to verify your configuration.
5. Save your changes.
6. Stop API Gateway instance, if it is running.
7. Update the Elasticsearch entry in the file located at SAG_Installdir/IntegrationServer/instances/tenant_name/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch/.
Instead of changing the entries manually you can include these changes in one of the following ways:
*Through the externalization of configurations feature. For details, see Externalizing Configurations
*Through Command Central. For details, see Configuring Elasticsearch Connection Settings.
8. Restart the API Gateway instance.