Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Integration Server Administrator’s Guide | Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging | Working with JNDI Providers
Working with JNDI Providers
Predefined JNDI Provider Aliases
Creating a JNDI Provider Alias
Editing a JNDI Provider Alias
Deleting a JNDI Provider Alias
Creating a JNDI Provider Failover List
Performing a Test Lookup for a JNDI Provider
JNDI Provider Cache and Timeout Behavior for Administered Objects
Each JMS provider can store JMS administered objects in a standardize namespace called the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). JNDI is a Java API that provides naming and directory functionality to Java applications.
As the JMS client, Integration Server uses a JNDI provider alias to encapsulate the information needed to look up an administered object. When you create a JMS connection alias, you can specify the JNDI provider alias that Integration Server should use to look up administered objects (i.e., Connection Factories and Destinations).
If you connect directly to webMethods Broker using the native webMethods API, you do not need to use a JNDI provider. If you choose to use webMethods Broker but do not want to connect natively (using the native webMethods API), you still need to use a JNDI provider. For more information about using the native webMethods API to connect to webMethods Broker, see Connecting to webMethods Broker with the Native webMethods API.