Software AG Products 10.7 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Integration Server Administrator API | REST URL Structure
REST URL Structure
The Administrator API makes resources accessible through a URL path. All requests to the Administrator API must be issued using HTTPS or HTTP. The Administrator API supports the standard H TTP methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. Not all resources will support all HTTP methods. However, all resources support the HEAD and OPTIONS methods.
An absolute URL for an Administrator API resource has the following structure:
*https is the transport protocol. You can use HTTP or HTTPS.
Software AG recommends using the more secure HTTPS protocol to administer your Integration Server.
* host:port is the host and port of the Integration Server you want to administer.
*admin is the directive for the Administrator API.
* resourceType is the type of resource, such as package.
* resourceId identifies a specific resource. resourceId is only used with some requests.
For example:
HTTP GET http://localhost:port/admin/package
Retrieves all packages
HTTP GET http://localhost:port/admin/package/WmPublic
Retrieves the WmPublic package
The relative URL for an Administrator API resource must start with /admin and then identify the type of resource. The relative URI has the following structure:
For example:
GET /admin/license
Returns license information for Integration Server.