Software AG Products 10.7 | Application Platform User Guide | Diagnostics and Troubleshooting | Using Log4j in WAR projects
Using Log4j in WAR projects
All WAR projects developed in Application Platform have access to the Apache Commons Logging 1.2 jar, since it is included in the classpath of the Application Platform web-is.jar bundle. You can provide a file with your WAR projects to control logging in the Integration Server log file, located in SoftwareAG_directory/profiles/IS_instance/logs/sag-osgi.log.
You can control logging by providing category loggers, for example:
<logger name="com.softwareag.war.greet.web"additivity="true"><level value="debug"/></logger>
You can add category loggers by:
*Adding them to the profile logging configuration, located in SoftwareAG_directory/profiles/IS_instance/configuration/logging/
*Providing them directly with the deployed WAR project by including a file in WEB-INF/classes.
For more information about the file, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.