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About Services
Integration Server generates the services for each operation and defines the service signature based on the parameters, request body, and responses.
Designer displays the parameters under the params document in the Input/Output tab of the service signature and also adds the respective parameters categorically inside the params document.
For request body, Integration Server adds a document named requestBody and under this document, Integration Server generates the variables based on the schema defined for each media type. If the OpenAPI document defines the same schema for multiple media types, Integration Server generates a single document. If the OpenAPI document defines different schemas for different media types, Integration Server generates multiple documents. You can use the appropriate document for the implementation based on the Content-Type sent in the request. Use the pub.flow:getTransportInfo service to obtain the value for the http request headers, Content-Type and Accept. For instructions about using this service, see the webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
Examples for request body generation
OpenAPI Snippet
Generated Request Body
For multipart media type, Designer displays the following document structure.
Example for multipart media type
OpenAPI Snippet
Generated Document Type
For the response body, Designer displays the output of the service signature containing the document generated for each HTTP code as defined in the OpenAPI document. Integration Server generates the document only if the OpenAPI document contains a response body and/or a header defined for that HTTP code.
Example for response body generation
OpenAPI Snippet
Generated Document Type