Software AG Products 10.7 | Application Platform User Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Creating Application Platform Projects | Creating Java Projects
Creating Java Projects
Folder Structure of Java Projects
The App Platform perspective has its own Java Project wizard, which is different from the Java Project wizard of the Java perspective. You can use the Java Project wizard for creating application components that do not require servlet support.
*To create a Java project in Application Platform
1. In Designer, go to File menu and select New.
Designer displays a context menu with all available wizards. The upper section lists the Application Platform wizards.
2. In the upper section of the context menu, click Java Project.
3. Specify the settings on the App Platform Core Service Template page.
The following table describes what you have to specify for each setting.
For this setting
Project name
The name of your Java project.
Use default location
Clear this check box if you want to specify a custom location for your project. If you keep this check box selected, your project will be stored in the default location.
Default: check box is selected
4. Click Next.
5. On the Project Facets page, select the Application Platform project and core Java project facets required for your Java project.
The Java facet is the core project facet, which is required for Java projects.
6. Go to the Project Facet list, expand SoftwareAG Application Platform, and select Integration Server Extensions.
7. Click Next.
8. Optionally, on the Java page, modify the project’s folder structure and default output folder.
Application Platform requires the Java source directory to follow the Maven 2 convention. The Designer project wizard automatically updates the default directory of the Java facet from src to src/main/java.
9. If you have selected Integration Server Extensions in step 6, click Next and continue to the next step. Otherwise, click Finish.
10. On the App Platform IS Facet page, enter a source path in Generated Source Path.
This source path will be added to the Application Platform project’s classpath.
11. If the specified source path does not exist on the file system, select the Include Generated Source Path check box.
If you are deploying the project to a project environment using Asset Build Environment and Deployer, verify that the source path is src/main/java.
12. Click Finish.