Software AG Products 10.7 | Designing and Implementing Business Process Models | Task Engine API and Service Reference | Using the Task Engine RESTful Web Services in My webMethods Server | POST a Vote to a Task Instance
POST a Vote to a Task Instance
This REST request registers a single user vote for the specified status. Applies only to task instances, queued from votable task types.
Use this HTTP request to record a vote for a task status:
POST /rest/pub/taskvoting/taskID/vote/status
Input Parameters
String Required. The unique identifier that Task Engine assigns to the task instance.
String Required. The task status for which to vote.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
By default, this REST request executes on behalf of the administrative user ID under which the client program is logged in. The user ID must have appropriate permissions to vote for the task instance. If the user does not have these permissions, an exception is thrown.