Software AG Products 10.7 | Designing and Implementing Business Process Models | Task Engine API and Service Reference | Using the Task Engine RESTful Web Services in Integration Server | GET Task Attachments
GET Task Attachments
This REST request returns all the attachments in a task instance. The underlying built-in service is pub.task.taskclient:getTaskAttachments.
To return a specific attachment, the HTTP request is formed as follows:
GET /rest/pub/opentask/taskID/attachments/attachmentID
To return all attachments, the HTTP request is formed as follows:
GET /rest/pub/opentask/taskID/attachments
Input Parameters
String The unique identifier of the attachment to be deleted.
Boolean Optional. Specifies whether or not to include Base64 encoded data in the attachments. Set to:
*true to include Base64 data.
*false to omit Base64 data (default).
String The unique identifier that the Task Engine assigns to the task instance.
Output Parameters
TaskAttachment[] An array of TaskAttachment objects that represent the attachments in the task instance. See pub.task:TaskAttachment for the structure of this data.