Software AG Products 10.7 | Designing and Implementing Business Process Models | Quick Start Guide ARIS Designer | Create model and specify settings | Create a model
Create a model
To create the Customer acquisition EPC, proceed as follows.
1. Close the New tab tab by clicking on Linked Picture File Template_support_manuals_APD Close. The Explorer tab is activated.
2. Click the Right arrow arrow in front of of the database. The Login Wizard opens.
3. Retain the Entire method filter ans d click Finish.
4. Click the Right arrow arrow of the database in which you want to create the new model.
5. Right-click Group Main group and click New > Model Model.
The Model Wizard opens.
Model wizard
6. Enter ep in the Model types field to reduce the number of model types displayed.
Create model
7. Click EPC in the Model types field.
8. Enter the name Customer acquisition in the Name box.
9. Click Finish. The Customer acquisition model is generated and automatically opens in a new tab.
The modeling area, various toolbars and various buttons are now available for creating your model.
Model tab