InternalID | String The internal document ID. This is an internal unique identifier for this document. |
DocType | Document The TN document type of this document. For the structure of DocType, see |
DocTimestamp | String The timestamp when Trading Networks received this document. |
LastModified | String The timestamp when this document was last modified. |
SenderID | String The internal partner ID for the sender of this document. That is, the value to which Trading Networks transformed the value of the TN_parms/SenderID variable that the document gateway service extracted from the flat file. |
ReceiverID | String The internal partner ID for the receiver of this document. That is, the value to which Trading Networks transformed the value of the TN_parms/ReceiverID variable that the document gateway service extracted from the flat file. |
DocumentID | String (optional) An external (user-defined) identifier for this document. This is the document ID identified within a document. |
GroupID | String (optional) An external (user-defined) identifier for this document's group. |
ConversationID | String (optional) An external (user-defined) identifier for this document's conversation. |
SystemStatus | String The processing status of the document. The value will be one of the following: NEW DONE DONE W/ ERRORS POLLABLE ACCEPTED ACCEPTED W/ ERRORS For a description of the processing statuses, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide. |
UserStatus | String (optional) The user-defined status of the document. The value can be any string from 1-20 characters. |
Attributes | Document (optional) The custom attributes for this document, keyed by attribute ID. |
Signature | Object The digital signature for this document. |
SignatureBody | Object The portions of the document that was used to create the digital signature. |
ContentParts | Document List The content parts in this document. Each content part is formatted as a |
Content | Object Deprecated. The original content of the document is in the list of ContentParts. |
Persisted? | String Whether this document has been saved to the database. Valid values are: true - The document was saved to the database. false - The document was not saved to the database. |
Errors | Document A set of activity log entries associated with this document, sorted by entry class. For the structure of Errors, see |
Relationships | Document List List of the documents related to this one. |
LargeDocument? | String Whether Trading Networks considers this to be a large document. If LargeDocument? is true, some of parts of this document might require large document handling. Valid values are: true - The document is large; that is, at least one of its content parts is considered large. false - The document is not large; that is, none of its content parts are large. |
OriginalSenderID | String The external partner ID for the sender of this document. That is, the original value of the TN_parms/SenderID variable that the document gateway service extracted from the flat file. |
OriginalReceiverID | String The external partner ID for the receiver of this document. That is, the original value of the TN_parms/ReceiverID variable that the document gateway service extracted from the flat file. |
MonitoringEnabled | String Whether the Trading Networks document is enabled for BAM. If so, Trading Networks sends the document data to webMethods Optimize for B2B for monitoring. For more information about BAM on Trading Networks data, see webMethods Optimize for B2B User’s Guide. Valid values are: true - The document is enabled for BAM. false - The document is not enabled for BAM. Default. |
MonitoringDataItems | Hashmap The attributes for monitoring and their values that were extracted from the document. This data is sent as an event to Optimize for B2B, after the document routing is complete. |
SetMonitoringAction | String Whether Trading Networks must consider document routing to be complete after the Execute a Service action completion or after the Deliver Document By action completion. This is applicable only when both Execute a Service and Deliver Document By actions are specified in the processing rule. Trading Networks sends the monitoring data to Optimize for B2B after completion of document routing. Valid values are: Service execution - Trading Networks considers the end of document routing to be when the Execute a Service action is complete. Deliver - Trading Networks considers the end of document routing to be when the Deliver Document By action is complete. |
RepeatNum | String The number of times the document has been reprocessed and resubmitted. |
RoutingType | String Whether the document was reprocessed or resubmitted. |
VERSION_NO | String Version of Trading Networks. |
ReceiveSvc | String For resubmitting the document. This is extracted from TN_parms/$receiveSvc from the pipeline. |
Comments | String Comments associated with transactions. |
Duplicate | String Whether the document is duplicate or not. Valid values are true and false. |