Trading Networks 10.7 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDI | Generating Acknowledgments | When to Invoke the generateFA Service | Using a Service that Processes Documents at One Time | Invoking generateFA Before Invoking envelopeProcess
Invoking generateFA Before Invoking envelopeProcess
When you invoke the generateFA service before the envelopeProcess service, the service uses the unparsed EDI document as input. The unparsed document is in the pipeline in the edidata parameter. The edidata parameter is placed in the pipeline by an EDI content handler. For more information about the edidata parameter, see Inputs to Your Service.
The following diagram shows an updated version of the service illustrated in Processing the Entire Document at One Time, which includes invocation of the generateFA service. Note that in the Pipeline section of the screen, the edidata parameter in Pipeline In is mapped to the edidata in Service In.
After invoking the generateFA service to generate the FA, add logic or invoke a service that you create to deliver the FA to the sender of the original EDI document.