Trading Networks 10.7 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDI | Defining Trading Partner Information | Defining EDI Trading Partner Agreements | wm.b2b.editn.TPA:EDITPA IS Document Type | processingMode Variable
processingMode Variable
processingMode EDITPA Variable
Default: Testing
The processingMode variable indicates whether the partners using the EDITPA are in testing, production, or custom mode. When processing Interchange, Group, and Transaction documents, Module for EDI includes the custom attribute EDI Processing Mode in the BizDocEnvelope and sets the value of this attribute based on the processingMode EDITPA variable.
In your processing rules for Interchange, Group, and Transaction documents, you can use the EDI Processing Mode custom attribute to customize processing according to the partner's processing mode. For example, you might set up two processing rules: one for when partners are in testing mode and another for when partners are in production mode.
For more information about custom attributes and using them when creating processing rules, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
Use when testing the exchange of documents between two partners. For example, when the production mode is Testing, you might create processing rules that accept the documents and do all processing except passing the document to production applications.
Use when you are confident that your logic for exchanging documents is successful.
Use when you want to define your own setting.
Interchange Define
Module for EDI sets the value of EDI Processing Mode based on the processing mode defined in the interchange header.
* For an ANSI X12 document, the module defines the processing mode based on the value of ISA015, as follows:
*T or others—Sets the EDI processing mode attribute to Testing
*P—Sets the processing mode attribute to Production
*I—Sets the processing mode attribute to Custom
* For a UN/EDIFACT document, the module defines the processing mode attribute based on the value of UNB11, as follows:
*1,2,3,4 or others—Sets the processing mode attribute to Testing
*Empty—Sets the processing mode attribute to Production