Trading Networks 10.7 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring the Server | Working with Extended Configuration Settings
Working with Extended Configuration Settings
There may be times when you want to view special server property settings. These properties are specified in the server.cnf file, however you can view them and edit them using the Integration Server Administrator. Typically, you do not need to change these settings unless directed to by webMethods documentation or Software AG Global Support.
Typically, you will use the Integration Server Administrator to set properties in the server.cnf file, but there may be times when you need to edit the file directly with a text editor. Before updating this file directly, be sure to shut down the Integration Server .
*To view and edit extended configuration settings
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Settings > Extended.
The server displays a page that lists configuration properties specified in the server.cnf file.
3. By default, no properties are shown. If the properties you want to view are shown, skip this step. To select properties to be displayed, click Show and Hide Keys.
The server displays a list of all properties included in the server.cnf file (their values are not shown.) Select the box to the left of each property you want the server to display and click Save Changes. The server displays the Extended Settings page again, this time with the selected properties and their values displayed.
4. To add, delete, or change a property setting, click Edit Extended Settings and type your changes.
Any change you make here will be reflected in the server.cnf file.
5. Click Save Changes.
Any properties you added will automatically display a check mark green check mark icon in the Show and Hide Keys list and will be displayed, with their values, in the Extended Settings list.
6. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.
a. In the top right corner of Integration Server Administrator, click Shut Down & Restart.
b. Select whether you want the server to wait before restarting or to restart immediately.
c. Click Restart.