Trading Networks 10.7 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Administrator's Guide | Configuring Trading Networks | Configuring Database Settings
Configuring Database Settings
Configuring a High Availability Environment
When you install Trading Networks, you specify these database connection parameters:
*Type of database (for example, Oracle), and URL that specifies the location of the database.
To get optimal performance from Trading Networks, you need to add the WireProtocolMode=1 parameter to the JDBC URL when Oracle is the database. Sample URL: jdbc:wm:oracle://localhost:1521;serviceName=orcl;WireProtocolMode=1.
*If required, user name and password for Trading Networks to connect to the database.
*Any additional database properties for Trading Networks to supply when connecting to its database.
You can change these database connection parameters or others, such as minimum and maximum connections. For instructions, see Installing Software AG Products.
Software AG recommends that you use database encryption to protect the personal information of partners.