Trading Networks 10.7 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDIINT | Before You Can Transport Documents Using EDIINT | Configuring EDIINT Properties
Configuring EDIINT Properties
Use the EDIINT properties to control some of the module’s functions.
*To configure EDIINT properties
1. In My webMethods, go to Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. In the Module for EDIINT Configuration Properties panel, specify values for the following properties:
Specifies the name of the mail host to be used for EDIINT AS1 (SMTP) transfers. The default is
Determines if you can use the external ID types for EDIINT AS1, EDIINT AS2, and EDIINT AS3 in your profiles:
*True—External ID types can be used in your profile. This is the default.
*False—External ID types cannot be used in your profile.
When the payload is an EDI or XML document (that is, its content type is either application/xml, application/edi-x12, application/edifact, or application/edi-consent), determines if the payload is submitted to Trading Networks for processing:
*True—Submits the payload to Trading Networks. This is the default.
*False —Does not submit the payload to Trading Networks.
Determines what service is configured to process the payload of a non-EDI or non-XML document (that is, when the content type of the payload is anything except application/xml, application/edi-x12, application/edifact, or application/edi-consent).
Determines how many seconds Module for EDIINT waits before sending an asynchronous MDN. The default is 30.
Determines if the payload is to be processed when the asynchronous MDN is not sent successfully:
*True—Processes the payload.
*False—Does not process the payload. This is the default.
Determines if the attachments and headers that were sent with an EDI document are added to the content part of the Trading Networks bizdoc:
*True —Both attachments and headers are added to the content part of the bizdoc. This is the default.
*HeaderOnly—Only headers are added to the content part of the bizdoc.
*False—Neither headers nor attachments are added to the content part of the bizdoc.
Specifies the location of the file system in which to save the payload and the attachments of an incoming EDI document. There is no default.
When the EDIINT Process Message - Persist in File system processing rule invokes the wm.EDIINT:rules:processMsg_persistPayload service and a value is given to the PayloadDir parameter, that value has precedence over the value set in this property.
Specifies the location in which to store incoming AS2 messages when AS2 restart is enabled. The default is packages/WmEDIINT/pub/as2restart_transactions.
Specifies the number of times Module for EDIINT will attempt to restart message transmission that has been interrupted. The default is 5.
Determines how many seconds Module for EDIINT waits between attempts to restart transmitting the interrupted message. The default is 2.
Determines if the outgoing messages are AS2 restart enabled.
You can override this global property by setting the enableAS2Restart input parameter in the wm.EDIINT:Send service.
*True— Outgoing message is AS2 restart enabled.
*False —Outgoing message is not AS2 restart enabled. This is the default.
Optional. In conjunction with the payloadDir property, specifies whether the EDI payload is persisted in the file system in addition to the Trading Networks database, as follows:
When payloadDir is...
And persistInTNAndFileSystem is...
The EDI payload is saved in...
Both Trading Networks and the file system.
Persisting payloads in both the Trading Networks and the file system slows performance even further than persisting them in only one of the options.
Not specified
True, false, or not specified
Trading Networks.
False or not specified
The file system. If there is an error saving to the file system, the payload is saved in Trading Networks.
Not specified
Not specified
Trading Networks.
Determines if the userProcessPayload service should always be used irrespective of content type.
*TrueuserProcessPayload service is used irrespective of content type.
*FalseuserProcessPayload service is used only if the content types of the inbound payloads are not any of the following:
*This is the default.
A comma-separated list of URLs. The default is /invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive.
The new URLs must be appended to the default URL, for example, wm.EDIINT.receiverURLs=/invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive,/invoke/EDIINT_AS2/clone_Service