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Modifying Server Variables
You can edit the details of an existing server variable.
*To modify server variables
1. In the Package Navigator view of Designer, open and lock the RAD for which you want to modify the server variables.
2. Select the server under the Servers node for which you want to modify the server variables.
Designer displays the server variables under the Server Variable Details table on the right pane.
3. Select the server variable which you want to modify and click .
4. In the Edit Server Variable dialog box, modify the following information:
In this field...
Server variable name.
Default Value
Default value for the server variable.
Values(Comma separated)
Supported values of the server variable.
Short description of the server variable.
Vendor specific custom properties.
5. Click OK.
Designer displays the updated variable details in the Server Variable Details table.
6. Click File > Save.