Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Service Development | Working with MQTT Triggers | Modifying an MQTT Trigger
Modifying an MQTT Trigger
After you create an MQTT trigger, you can modify it by specifying a different MQTT connection alias, specifying a different trigger services, or changing MQTT trigger properties. To modify an MQTT trigger, you need to lock the trigger and have write access to the trigger.
Keep the following information in mind when modifying an MQTT trigger.
*If you modify an MQTT trigger while the MQTT connection alias is disabled or enabled but not running, the changes to the MQTT trigger will not take effect immediately. The MQTT trigger changes take effect the next time the MQTT trigger is connected to the MQTT server which occurs then the MQTT connection alias re-establishes the connection to the MQTT server.
*When you save an MQTT trigger in Designer, Integration Server stops and then restarts the trigger. In this situation, Integration Server stops receiving and processing messages. Integration Server waits 3 seconds to allow message processing to complete for any messages for which processing already began. After 3 seconds, Integration Server stops the trigger. Any unacknowledged messages received by the MQTT trigger can no longer be acknowledged. The MQTT server will redeliver persistent messages the next time the MQTT trigger connects.