Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Configuring On-Premises Integration Servers for webMethods Cloud | Configuring Accounts for webMethods Cloud | Deleting On-Premise Accounts
Deleting On-Premise Accounts
When you no longer need an account, you can delete it. Deleting an account from the on-premise Integration Server also deletes the account from webMethods Cloud.
If the account is in use by any of the integration flows in webMethods Cloud, the delete operation will fail.
*To delete an on-premise account
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the webMethods Cloud menu of the navigation panel, click Accounts.
3. Click the icon in the row that corresponds to the account you want to delete in the Delete column of the On-Premise Accounts table.
4. When Integration Server asks you to confirm that you want to delete the account, click OK.