matchCriteria | Document Criteria on which documents from the Reference Data will be matched. Parameters for matchCriteria are: path: Column names of the Reference Data. compareValueAs: Optional. Allowed values are string, numeric, and datetime. The default value is string. datePattern: Optional. Pattern will be considered only if compareValueAs is of type datetime. Default value is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a. joins: List of join criteria. Each join criteria consists of: operator: Allowed values are equals, doesNotEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanEqual, lessThan, lessThanEqual, equalsIgnoreCase, contains, doesNotContain, beginsWith, doesNotBeginWith, endsWith, doesNotEndWith. value: Optional. Allowed values are string, numeric, and datetime. The default value is string. joinType: Specifies the way two joins can be linked. Values are “and” or “or”. Default value is “and”. |
<Reference Data Name> | Document List List of documents that match the retrieve criteria. |