Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Universal Messaging | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Run-time Monitoring States for Universal Messaging Server
Run-time Monitoring States for Universal Messaging Server
The sagcc get monitoring runtimestate and sagcc get monitoring state commands provide information about the following key performance indicators (KPIs) for a Universal Messaging server instance.
JVM memory usage
Indicates the utilization of JVM memory.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is 80% of the maximum JVM memory.
*Critical is 95% of the maximum JVM memory.
*Maximum is 100% of the maximum JVM memory.
Fanout backlog
Indicates the total number of events currently waiting to be processed by the fanout engine. If the fanout backlog is more than the critical value, there is a possibility that the subscribers receive the published events after some delay.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is 80% of the maximum value.
*Critical is 95% of the maximum value.
*Maximum is 100% of the peak value (high-water mark) of fanout backlog. Default is 100.
Tasks queued for read and write
Indicates the total number of tasks in the read, write, and common read/write pools. If the number of read and write tasks queued is more than the critical value, it indicates that the Universal Messaging server instance is unable to match the speed of the publishers and subscribers.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is 80% of the maximum value.
*Critical is 95% of the maximum value.
*Maximum is 100% of the peak value (high-water mark) of read and write tasks queued. Default is 100.