Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Universal Messaging | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Using the Command Line to Manage Universal Messaging | Cluster Configuration | Create Clusters
Create Clusters
Creates an active/active cluster of Universal Messaging servers.
sagcc create configuration data nodeAlias Universal-Messaging-instanceName
COMMON-CLUSTER {--input|-i} filename.xml
Arguments and Options
Required. The alias name of the installation in which the Universal Messaging server instance is installed.
Required. The ID of the Universal Messaging server instance running in the specified installation.
Required. The ID of the configuration type of which you want to create an instance.
--input|-i filename.xml
Required. The XML file that contains the cluster configuration data.
Usage Notes
*The XML input file must contain the following cluster configuration properties:
*Cluster name (required). A cluster name that is unique to the installation.
*Server instances (required). The name, URL, and port of each server node in the cluster.
*Sites (optional). The name of the site to which each server node belongs. siteName is a server-level property.
*Primary site (optional). The name of the primary site, if you have configured sites in the cluster. primeSite is a cluster-level property that holds the name of the site that is flagged as isPrime.
*A Universal Messaging server instance can be part of only one cluster.
*If you remove all the server instances from a site, the site will be deleted. Server instance deletion is not allowed if the deletion operation leaves fewer than two server instances in the cluster.
The example creates a cluster with the following configuration properties specified in the umSalesClusterConfig.xml file:
*Cluster name: umSales
*Cluster sites: site1 and site2
*Primary site: site1
*Server instances in site1: um9000, um9001
*Server instances in site2: um9002, um9003
To create the cluster "umSales" on the server instance with ID "Universal-Messaging-um9001", installed in the installation with alias name "sag01", using the file "umSalesClusterConfig.xml":
sagcc create configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-um9001   
COMMON-CLUSTER --input C:\inputxmls\umSalesClusterConfig.xml
The umSalesClusterConfig.xml file has the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>   
  <Server name="um9000">   
      <Property name="siteName">site1</Property>   
  <Server name="um9001">   
      <Property name="siteName">site1</Property>   
  <Server name="um9002">   
      <Property name="siteName">site2</Property>   
  <Server name="um9003">   
      <Property name="siteName">site2</Property>   
    <Property name="primeSite">site1</Property>   