Field | Description |
Name | Type the name of the client. You cannot create clients with the same Name and Version combination. You cannot modify the client name after the client is saved. Client names are not case-sensitive. |
Description | Type a description of the client. |
Client ID | The Client ID field appears only when you update a client. This is a client identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the authorization server, and is used while generating tokens. |
Client Secret | The Client Secret field appears only when you update a client. This is a secret matching to the client identifier and is used while generating tokens. It will not be generated if the Client Type is Public. |
Authorization Endpoint | View the authorization URL that has to be provided while generating tokens. See the Generating Tokens section for more information. |
Token Endpoint | View the Access Token URL that has to be provided while generating tokens. See the Generating Tokens section for more information. |
Refresh Token Endpoint | View the Refresh Token URL that has to be provided while refreshing Access Tokens. See the Refreshing Access Tokens Using Refresh Tokens section for more information. |
Version | Type the version number of the client. You cannot create clients with the same Name and Version combination. |
Type | Select the type of the client according to its ability to communicate with Integration Cloud. Confidential - Select Confidential when the OAuth session uses the following grants: Authorization Code Grant Client Credentials Grant Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant This client is capable of maintaining secure client authentications. When you select client type as Confidential, Integration Cloud generates a client secret. This client secret will be required by Integration Cloud when the client makes requests to the OAuth services. Public - Select Public when the OAuth session uses the Implicit Grant type. This client is not capable of maintaining secure client authentications. |
Redirection URLs | Specify the URLs that Integration Cloud will use to redirect the resource owner's browser during the grant process. You can add more than one redirection URL. If you select the Authorization Code Grant or the Implicit Grant types, you must enter at least one Redirection URL for the client. |
Allowed Grants | Select the type of grant flow required by the client. |
Expiration Interval | Select the length of time (in seconds) that the access token is valid. Never Expires - Indicates that the access token never expires. The Token Management page displays Lifetime for that token. Expires In - Specify the number of seconds the access token is valid. |
Refresh Count | Select the number of times the access token can be refreshed. Unlimited - Refresh the access token an unlimited number of times using the refresh token. The Token Management page displays Unlimited for that refresh token. Limited - Specify the number of times to refresh the access token. The Token Management page will display the Refresh Count for that refresh token. If you specify 0 or leave the field empty, a refresh token will not be issued. Note: Tokens can be refreshed only when using the Authorization Code Grant flow. |
Active | This option appears only when you update a client. Clear this option to deactivate the client. When you deactivate a client, all the access tokens and refresh tokens for the client become invalid. |