Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Universal Messaging | Command Line Administration Tools | Syntax reference for command line tools | Syntax: Recovery Tools
Syntax: Recovery Tools

Tool name:

Adds a new interface to an offline realm.

runUMTool AddInterfaceOffline -dirname=<dirname> -protocol=<protocol>
-adapter=<adapter> -port=<port> [optional_args]

AddInterfaceOffline -dirname=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/ -protocol=socket
-adapter= -port=11000

Required arguments:

dirname :
Data directory of the realm to add interface to.

protocol :
Protocol for the interface to use.

adapter :
Adapter the interface wants setting to.

port :
Port that the interface will listen on.

Optional Parameters:

interface :
Name of the interface to be created.

autostart :
Whether or not the interface should be autostarted when the realm

canadvertise :
Whether or not the interface will be advertised.

authtimeout :
Number of milliseconds for authorisation timeout.

interrealm :
Whether or not this interface should be used for inter-realm

clientconnections :
Whether or not this interface should be used for client

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Removes an interface from an offline realm using config data.

runUMTool DeleteInterfaceOffline -dirname=<dirname> -interface=<interface>

DeleteInterfaceOffline -dirname=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/ -interface=nhp0

Required arguments:

dirname :
Data directory of the realm to dump interfaces for.

interface :
Name of the interface to be removed.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Dumps the list of interfaces for a specified offline realm.

runUMTool DumpInterfacesOffline -dirname=<dirname> [optional_args]

DumpInterfacesOffline -dirname=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/

Required arguments:

dirname :
Data directory of the realm to dump interfaces for.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Dumps events to XML or JSON optionally using filter and protobuf description file.

runUMTool ExportEventsFromOfflineMemFile -memfileloc=<memfileloc> [optional_args]



-selector=" = 'Person2' or ='Person4'"
-starteid=10 -endeid=30

-selector="EVENTDATA.AS-STRING(0, 8) = 'data2702'"

Required arguments:

memfileloc :
Required parameter specifying the absolute path for the location of the
memory file. The path can also be the location of a folder that contains
multiple mem files.
A folder with mem files can be specified only for multi-file storage.
A single memory file can be specified only for mixed/persistent store.

xmlfilename/jsonfilename : Required parameter specifying the file path
to export events to. xmlfilename exports to an XML-formatted file,
whereas jsonfilename exports to a JSON-formatted file.
You must specify at least one of these arguments (xmlfilename or
jsonfilename), and you can also specify both.

Optional Parameters:

selector :
Optional parameter specifying the selector to filter the events.

dumpdata :
Optional parameter, when set to true the tool will dump event data (base64 encoded).
Default value is true.
The exported JSON file will contain event data as JSON node for protobuf events
if protocol buffer file descriptor set is specified.

starteid :
Optional parameter specifying the startEID of event from mem file
to start filtering/dumping from (default = 0).

endeid :
Optional parameter specifying the endEID of event from mem file to filter/dump to
(if not specified, filtering/dumping will be done till the last storage event id).

Optional parameter specifying the path to the protocol buffer file descriptor
for filtering based on event data. The specified protocol buffer file descriptor
will be applied if the mem file belongs to the protobuf channel
with the same descriptor.

batchsize :
Optional parameter specifying the events batch size to read from mem file
and dump to output file, default value is 100.

Tool name:

Modifies and interface of an offline realm.

runUMTool ModifyInterfaceOffline -dirname=<dirname> -interface=<interface>

ModifyInterfaceOffline -dirname=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/
-interface=nhp0 -port=11000

Required arguments:

dirname :
Data directory of the realm to dump interfaces for.

interface :
Name of the interface to be modified.

Optional Parameters:

adapter :
Adapter the interface wants setting to.

port :
Port that the interface will be set to.

autostart :
Whether or not the interface should be autostarted when the
realm starts.

canadvertise :
Whether or not the interface will be advertised.

authtimeout :
Number of milliseconds for authorisation timeout.

interrealm :
Whether or not this interface should be used for inter-realm

clientconnections :
Whether or not this interface should be used for client

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Modifies the prime flag of a site while a realm is offline.

runUMTool ModifyPrimeFlagOffline -datadirectory=<datadirectory> [optional_args]

ModifyPrimeFlagOffline -datadirectory=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/
(This will show current state of prime flag per cluster sites)

ModifyPrimeFlagOffline -datadirectory=~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/
-Site1=true -Site2=false
(This will set prime flag to true on site1 and to false on site 2 in
directory ~/realmDirectories/realm0/data/ )

Required arguments:

datadirectory :
Data directory of the realm to be modified.

Optional Parameters:

force :
Skip confirmation step before modifying cluster sites.

NOTE - if you want to edit the prime flag for sites inside a cluster you need to
specify it like an optional parameter :
You need to specify the value of the flag for all sites inside the cluster.
For example, if you want to set the prime flag to true on Site1 and you have
another site called Site2, the optional parameter will look like :
-Site1=true -Site2=false

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool Name:

Imports events from an XML, JSON or .mem file,
optionally using filter and protocol buffer file descriptor,
and republishes events to specified store.

runUMTool RepublishEventsFromOfflineFile -realm=<realm> -channelname=<channelname> [optional_args]


-selector=" = 'Person2' or ='Person4'"
-realm="nhp://" -channelname="destination_channel_name"

-selector="EVENTDATA.AS-STRING(0, 8) = 'data2702'" -realm="nhp://"
-channelname="destination_queue_name" -starteid=0 -endeid=90

-selector="EVENTDATA.TAG = '3' or EVENTDATA.TAG = '33'"
-realm="nhp://" -channelname="destination_channel_name"
-endeid=50 -batchsize=1000

Required arguments:

realm :
Required parameter specifying realm server name/address for republishing events.

channelname :
Required parameter specifying destination store name for republishing events.

Optional Parameters:

memfileloc :
Optional parameter specifying absolute path for the memory file location.
The path can also be the location of a folder that contains
multiple mem files.
A folder with mem files can be specified only for multi-file storage,
and a single memory file can be specified only for mixed/persistent store.
One source file should be specified: memfileloc, xmlfilename or jsonfilename.

xmlfilename :
Optional parameter specifying an XML file path to import events from.
One source file should be specified: memfileloc, xmlfilename or jsonfilename.

jsonfilename :
Optional parameter specifying a JSON file path to import events from.
One source file should be specified: memfileloc, xmlfilename or jsonfilename.

Optional parameter specifying the path to a protocol buffer file descriptor set
for filtering events based on event data.

selector :
Optional parameter specifying the selector to filter the events.

started :
Optional parameter specifying the startEID of event from source file
to start filtering/importing from (default = 0).

endeid :
Optional parameter specifying the endEID of event from source file to filter/import to.
If not specified, filtering/importing will be done till last storage event id).

batchsize :
Optional parameter specifying the event batch size used for import and republishing events
to the store (default = 100).