General Properties (REST Virtual Service)
To display the general properties:
1. Open Designer and display the CloudStreams Development perspective by clicking Window > Open Perspective > Other > CloudStreams Development.
2. In the CloudStreams Governance view, expand your CloudStreams Governance project and click the virtual service name. (If the Properties view is not already open, click Window > Show View > Other > General > Properties). Select the virtual service name and then select the “General” tab.
The General page in the Properties view displays the following properties:
(Read-only field.) The service name. You can change the service name at any time by right-clicking the name in the Virtual Services folder and clicking Rename.
Service Type
(Read-only field.) REST.
Created/Last Modified
(Read-only field.) The service's creation/modification timestamps.
Target Namespace
(Read-only field.) The value is derived from the targetNamespace attributes of the WSDL's definition element.
The version is always set to 1.0.
(Read-only field.) The URL of the REST resource's abstract WSDL.
You can change the service description.