Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Administering CloudStreams | webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | webMethods CloudStreams Development | CloudStreams Governance Project | Policies | Action: Authorize User
Action: Authorize User
Dependency requirement: A policy that includes this action must also include one of the following actions: Require HTTP Basic Authentication, Require WSS Username Token or Require SAML Token.
This action authorizes consumers against a list of users and/or a list of groups registered in the Integration Server on which CloudStreams is running.
To set the Authorize User action parameters
1. In the CloudStreams Governance view, click the policy name.
2. In the policy editor on the right side of the page, click Authorize User in the Applied Actions list, and set the following action parameters.
Authorizes consumers against a list of users who are registered in the Integration Server instance on which CloudStreams is running.
Authorizes consumers against a list of groups who are registered in the Integration Server instance on which CloudStreams is running.
By default, both of these input parameters are selected. If you de-select one of these parameters, the fields showing the list of users (or groups) is not displayed.