Software AG Products 10.7 | Administering API Portal | Configuring API Portal | Configuring API Portal with External Databases | Configure API Portal with an Oracle Database | Registering External Oracle DBMS
Registering External Oracle DBMS
You must update the values of variables in the envset.bat files before running the schema creation scripts.
1. Login to the machine where oracle server is running, and go to the directory where the script files are downloaded from ARIS Download centre. Scripts are present in the folder, download_root_folder\\DatabaseScripts\Design&ConnectServer\oracle
2. Open the envset.bat file, modify the following fields, and save the file:
*SET CIP_ORA_BIN_PATH=Path where sqlplus.exe can be found (for example C:\app\<username>\product\11.2.0\<dbname>\BIN)
*SET TARGET_HOST=DB Server Name (Machine name in which Oracle server is running)
*SET TARGET_PORT=Port (Port in which oracle server is running. Example: 1521)
*SET TARGET_SERVICE_NAME= Service name (Name of the oracle service. Example: XE for oracle 11g)
*SET CIP_INSTALL_USER=User Name (Database administrator username)
*SET CIP_INSTALL_PWD=Password (Database administrator password)
*SET CIP_TS_DATA= Name of the table space in which the application schema data will be stored. By default, the value in this field is DATA. Change the value as USERS.
*SET CIP_APP_USER=Username (User that will be used by the application. Example: dbuser)
*SET CIP_APP_PWD=Password (Password of the application user. Example: dbuser123)
*SET CIP_TENANT_SCHEMA_PWD=Password (Password used for tenant schemas. Example: dbuser123)
3. Before running the database scripts ensure that the Oracle query tool (sqlplus) is available in the command prompt.
4. Run the envset.bat file.
5. Run cip_create_app_user.bat file. This creates the application user, which was specified in envset.bat file.
For Oracle 12c and Oracle 19c, the following changes should be made for error free execution of the scripts files,
a. To avoid ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name error during schema creation, open cip_create_empty_tenant_schema.sql and cip_create_app_user.sql files, and add the following after "set verify off", alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
b. If complex password policy is enabled by default in the database and the application user password does not comply to it, an error message displays, while creating the tenant schema. To avoid this, open cip_create_empty_tenant_schema.sql file and add the following after "BEGIN",